For the third year in a row, Codegate have supported the Royal College of Nursing with this years Congress.
The event, held at the ACC in Liverpool, is made up of debates, key-note speakers, Fringe Events, Exhibition and Social Events.

Each year, Congress debates around 25 subjects, all of which have been submitted by members, covering clinical, staffing, financial, social and political areas. These issues are often reported in the media direct from Congress, and they lead to wide-ranging work carried out by the RCN, often lasting for many years.

Codegate support RCN Congress organisers and Exhibitors with capturing data throughout the 5 day event.
RFID tags embedded in delegate badges are automatically detected as delegates pass by the discrete RFID readers allowing organisers to track overall and session-specific attendance giving an insight into delegate patterns and hotspots. Codegate Expo updates organisers session numbers in a real time web-portal without the need to physically stop and scan delegates ensuring a smooth flow in and out of all areas.

Exhibitors use Codegate Expo's Lead capture solution to scan delegate badges and record lead information for review in their own unique web portal after the event. Thousands of leads were captured in real time again this year with a mixture of Android and iOS tablets and phones.

Once again, exhibitors were very complementary about how simple the system was to use and how great the follow up information was. Take a look at the exhibitors in action in the video below.
If you would like to find out more about how our Expo solutions can benefit your next event, call the experts at Codegate or visit our Expo website: www.codegateexpo.com.
Thanks to RCN for the use of some of their images.
Thanks to RCN for the use of some of their images.