Lime is available in three different packages to suit differing levels of complexity and budget:

Lime is middleware with an optional presentation layer which is highly configurable by its users. It is built on industry standard SQL, so can be readily integrated with third party systems. It supports many popular auto-ID technologies:
Bar codes - any 1d or 2d bar code types
Passive RFID - Low Frequency (LF) high frequency (HF) including Near Field Communications (NFC), Ultra High Frequency (UHF)
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) - Active (with internal battery), Passive (Wiliot), Battery-Less (Lightricity)
Ultra-wideband (UWB) - Various providers
GPS Trackers - for fixing to vehicles, stillages, shipping cartons
IOT sensors - bespoke integrations can be provided for other parameters, for example temperature and humidity
RFID Reading Hardware Compatibility
To make RFID readers compatible with Lime, eVantage software is embedded onto the reader. Currently Lime will receive data from the following devices:
Zebra fixed and mobile passive UHF RFID readers
Nordic ID handheld passive UHF RFID readers
Impinj fixed passive UHF RFID readers / gateways
Keonn fixed passive UHF RFID readers
Codegate BLE receivers

Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) Integration
Codegate has developed integrations with the following real time location systems to deliver asset data with both x-y and lat-long attributes:
RF-Controls - passive UHF RFID
Sewio - UWB
Wiser Systems - mesh networked UWB
GPS with cellular / LoRa backhaul
Custom attributes can be created for any asset or location. These can be used to add certificates of conformance, maintenance due dates, weights, dimensions etc. Custom plug-in modules can be created to facilitate alerts and actions as data with specific values is sent to Lime.